Worship Ministry

The Worship Ministry houses true worshippers who lead the congregation into a deep, genuine encounter with God through music. We seek to exalt the Lord and usher His people to His presence using the gifts and talents He has given us, all in the pursuit of spiritual growth, maturity, and unity as one body of Christ.

Ministry Head: Bea Castaneda

Ushering Ministry

The Ushering Ministry ensures that everyone attending the worship service is made to feel at home and welcome. Connecting to them with a smile, guiding and making sure they are comfortable in their seats.

Ministry Head: Jen Limin-Gagarin

Children Church

This is an integral part of pastoral care which focuses on helping 0 to 13-year-old kids develop a strong foundation of faith in God and a sound moral character. Our team of dedicated teachers offers a warm and nurturing environment that promotes biblical understanding through fun and engaging age-appropriate activities.

Ministry Head: Aris Magmanlac

Technical Ministry

The Technical Team Ministry oversees the church’s technological operations and offers technical support – including lighting, audio & video during services and events, ensuring the smooth flow of the program and creating a conducive environment for church services and special events.

Ministry Head: Arvin Garvida

Stage Management Ministry

In charge of overseeing and managing the program’s flow, backstage and onstage operations, and making sure everything runs according to plan and objective. Supports and organizes all the different ministries/teams involved to ensure smooth running of all church services and special events.

Ministry Head: Jonas Garcera

Intercession Ministry

Prayer Intercessors actively engage with the needs and concerns of the church congregation, leadership, ministries, and outreach efforts. They pray for the nation, spiritual breakthroughs, unity, vision, and effectiveness in fulfilling the church’s mission and purpose.

Ministry Head: Fatima Vega

Counter Ministry

The counter ministry includes a dedicated team of volunteer church workers who are entrusted with the task of physically counting and documenting the money received during church services or events. This team ensures accuracy, transparency, and accountability in handling financial contributions such as tithes, offerings, special donations.

Ministry Head: Gina Tarun-Lucena

Luke Ministry(Health & Care in Action)

Aims to provide medical assistance to anyone who becomes ill or injured while attending the regular church celebrations. They serve to administer first aid until additional help arrives or until the person concerned receives appropriate medical care. They also assist in the church clinic and regularly conduct medical/dental services on mission trips.

Ministry Head: Richel Altejos-Bancaya

Table of Communion Ministry

Responsible for preparing and serving the elements of communion which include bread or wafers symbolizing the body of Christ and wine or grape juice symbolizing His blood. This involves ensuring the elements are ready, and arranging them appropriately for the service, assuring it is conducted reverently and respectfully according to the Word of God.

Ministry Head : Nida Bancaya

Christian Counseling

We are under Radiance of Christ Ministries International, whose counselors work with people who need empathic listening and therapeutic help to live empowered lives.

Ministry Head: Pastor Jinky Dizon

Adoration in Motion (Dance Ministry)

The primary purpose of our dance ministry is to express worship and praise to God through the art of dance. Our dancers use movements, choreography, and music to convey spiritual themes, messages, and emotions, enhancing the worship experience of the congregation.
It offers a dynamic and creative way to engage in worship, share spiritual messages, and minister to both the congregation and the community.

Ministry Head: Stephanie Castaneda

Marshal Ministry

The Marshal Ministry consists of men who ensure security, safety, and orderliness inside and outside the church. They are responsible for ensuring the safety of the people who attend the services.
These men are chosen for this ministry to display authority and strengthen security within the church

Ministry Head: King Nardo

Multimedia Ministry

The Multimedia Ministry assists all other ministries in communicating the Word of God through quality presentations, photography, graphics and design, and ensuring that God’s Word is seen and heard as clearly as possible both during and after services via our social media platforms.

Ministry Head: Charlene Sy-Abcede