what is light path?

As a Disciple-making Church, we desire to journey every believer towards Christlikeness and spiritual maturity through our discipleship process called the Light Path (L-Path) journey. Here, every believer is trained and developed to become a leader. Ministry involvement and fellowship with fellow believers are also encouraged.

our l-path discipleship journey


To Christ

SOUL-WIN - Bring people to Christ that they may receive eternal life.

HONOR GOD - Bring people into an atmosphere of worship, love, and care in the local church.

To Cell

Commit to be part of a small group. Build relationships where people can meet friends and grow with them.

To Cause

Commit to be loyal to the Vision, Mission, and Core Values of RCMI.


IMITATE CHRIST - Teach them the habits, disciplines, and principles that will lead them to become true disciples of Jesus.

NOBLY SERVE - Help them to discover and develop their gifts and understand their calling.


EMPOWER LIVES - Release them to fulfill their role in the Great Commission.

Commit to start an L-Path group

Anyone can join an L-path Group. He/She just needs to have an open heart and a willing spirit to know more about God, grow more in his faith and be part of a community of believers.